RYA produces the definitive Yachtmaster Handbook 

The official and definitive guide for those preparing for their RYA Yachtmaster exam

Today (16 January) the RYA launched the RYA Yachtmaster Handbook at the Tullet Prebon London Boat Show.

The launch took place in the presence of HRH the Princess Royal and the author James Stevens.  

The RYA Yachtmaster Handbook is the official and definitive guide for those preparing for their RYA Yachtmaster exam.  

Invaluable aid

Richard Falk RYA Training Manager: “The handbook is an invaluable aid for mariners’ taking the RYA Yachtmaster exam. It gives insight into what the examiners are looking for and what to expect on the day as well as providing the practical knowledge required for the exam.  

“It is aimed at those who have theory knowledge at, or close to, Yachtmaster level and contains key information and guidance on how best to prepare for the topics and skills included in the RYA Yachtmaster exam”.  

Dame Ellen MacArthur reflects in the books foreward that had this book been available when she took her RYA Yachtmaster exam then she ‘would have devoured it from cover to cover’.  

Unrivalled expert knowledge

Few people are better qualified to write this book than James Stevens who brings his unrivalled expert knowledge and pragmatic insight of the exam, how it will be conducted and the qualities required to pass, to the book.  

Speaking at the launch James Stevens said: “I drew on my experience as an examiner  in putting the book together but I also wrote some of it whilst I was sailing which was an easy way to say what’s important about being a skipper because I was actually doing it”.  

James is a highly experienced yachtsman, instructor and examiner. He worked for the RYA for 23 years; 10 years as Training Manager and Chief Examiner and is now chair of the RYA Yachtmaster Qualification Panel.  

The RYA Yachtmaster examination is the gold-standard qualification for professional and leisure mariners all over the world.  

The RYA Yachtmaster Handbook is available from the RYA webshop.

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Article Published: January 17, 2013 9:03


Tagged with: Motor Boating, Yacht Cruising, Yacht Racing

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