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Whether you're a brand-new YouTube API developer or you have a decent amount of experience using the APIs, everyone's got questions and more to learn.
This Wednesday at 10am PST, +Ibrahim Ulukaya and +Ikai Lan will be chatting with +Jeffrey Posnick about their experiences getting started with YouTube, and we want to answer your questions as well. Please ask them using Google Moderator:
YouTube Developers Live: Things New Developers Say — Google Developers »
This week, Jeff Posnick chats with two new members of the YouTube Developers Relations team: Ikai Lan and Ibrahim Ulukaya. It's a free-form discussion covering the types of questions that a developer ...
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YouTube for Developers

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Everyone is invited to this public event.
This week, +Jeffrey Posnick chats with two new members of the YouTube Developers Relations team: +Ikai Lan and +Ibrahim Ulukaya. It's a free-form discussion covering the types of questions that a developer just getting started with the YouTube API would ask.
This week, +Jeffrey Posnick chats with two new members of the YouTube Developers Relations team: +Ikai Lan and +Ibrahim Ulukaya. It's a free-form discussion covering the types of questions that a developer just getting started with the YouTube API would ask.
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이제 웹뷰 대신, 안드로이드용 네이티브 유튜브 플레이어 API를 사용하세요! via +Soonson Kwon 
이제 웹뷰 대신, 안드로이드용 네이티브 유튜브 플레이어 API를 사용하세요! »
원문 작성일: 2012년 12월 21일 작성자: Ross McIlroy, Anton Hansson, Horia Ciurdar (유튜브 모바일팀) 원문링크: 안드로이드 애플리케이션에 고품질 동영상을 추가하는 작업...
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よりシンプルに、パワフルになった +YouTube Data API の新バージョンを公開
よりシンプルに、パワフルになった YouTube Data API の新バージョンを公開 - Google Japan Developer Relations Blog »
このブログでは、Google スタッフによる Google のデベロッパーリレーションズに関する情報を、いち早く皆さんにお届けします。
Jarek Wilkiewicz
Hi +hung pham - if you're trying to use the YouTube Android Player API, it is not supported on the emulator, so you'll need to try on a real device. 
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Adding a high-quality video experience to your +Android application just got a whole lot easier!
YouTube API Blog: No WebView required, with native YouTube Player API for Android »
Adding a high-quality video experience to your Android application just got a whole lot easier. Starting today, you can embed and play YouTube videos in your app using the new YouTube Android Player API. The API, which was pre-announced at Google I/O 2012, offers these benefits: ...
Jason Thomas
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If you missed the live broadcast of our show with WeVideo, the recording is available below!

Some follow-ups from the show:

The Stack Overflow question of the week was

The docs that talk about YouTube Analytics API quota usage are at
Please use Google Moderator to ask questions: This week, we chat with the folks behind WeVideo. They're a cloud-based video editor, which...
Brian Thaga
Mountain view paperthaga
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We'll be chatting live with the folks behind the cloud-based video editor WeVideo in 90 minutes. Don't miss it!
YouTube Developers Live: WeVideo — Google Developers »
This week, we chat with the folks behind WeVideo. They're a cloud-based video editor, which lets users publish their final movie on YouTube. WeVideo's rendering farm prepares the complete movie from h...
Brian Thaga
Related videos on youtube channel paperthaga
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Reminder: This Wednesday, at 10am PST, we'll be chatting with the folks behind the cloud-based video editor WeVideo.
YouTube Developers Live: WeVideo — Google Developers »
This week, we chat with the folks behind WeVideo. They're a cloud-based video editor, which lets users publish their final movie on YouTube. WeVideo's rendering farm prepares the complete movie from h...
Brian Thaga
Related videos on youtube channel paperthaga
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YouTube for Developers

 -  Public
Everyone is invited to this public event.
YouTube Developers Live: WeVideo
Wed, December 19, 2012, 1:00 PM
This week, we chat with the folks behind WeVideo. They're a cloud-based video editor, which lets users publish their final movie on YouTube. WeVideo's rendering farm prepares the complete movie from high-quality originals and uploads the final file to the user's YouTube channel using the Data API.
This week, we chat with the folks behind WeVideo. They're a cloud-based video editor, which lets users publish their final movie on YouTube. WeVideo's rendering farm prepares the complete movie from high-quality originals and uploads the final file to the user's YouTube channel using the Data API.
Danny Fishler
youtube's new logo looks depressing...
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Introducing the +YouTube Data API version 3.0!
YouTube API Blog: The Simpler, Yet More Powerful New YouTube Data API »
Since its initial launch in 2007, the YouTube Data API has become one of Google's most popular APIs by request volume, thanks to the awesome apps from developers like you. To help you make better integrated video experiences, you can now use the YouTube API version 3.0.
Brian Thaga
Countdown youtube channel paperthaga 
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Tips and tricks on how to use YouTube’s APIs and tools to power up your apps
Welcome to the YouTube for Developers page!

This is the official Google+ home of the YouTube Developer Relations team. We’re here to help you make awesome YouTube experiences in your apps and sites.

Find all the latest news and updates on YouTube APIs and tools, links to our documentations and forums, code samples and tutorials, upcoming events, and more.

We’ll also host regular Hangouts with the YouTube Developer Relations Team so you can talk with our engineers, product managers, and business development managers.
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