Greg Barron

Greg Barron


Futurist. Humanist. Author. Writes thrillers. Rotten Gods, published by HarperCollins Australia. http://www.facebook/GregBarronAuthor

Australia ·


I share my bed with my books and there isn't much room for you. can sleep on my front porch.

Tear gas was used by Wichita, USA, police on 1000 night club patrons last week. Tear gas IS a chemical weapon.

If it wasn't for that 10-15 knot nor'easter I'd be out at sea now. A cosy chair, coffee and Stephen King are a pretty good consolation.

Putting Islamists in power is like having a tattoo. Just don't do it if you're not sure.

Seems I missed out on !? Problem is I'm always about behind the times anyway. Next year perhaps.

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