Find a London marathon charity place
Have you missed out on a marathon ballot place? There are still plenty of charity places available through JustGiving.
Scroll through the list below to find a charity you'd like to run for, and find out how to apply for a place.
Abandoned Street Kids of Brasil - Task Brasil Trust has 10 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,000. Apply for a place on the Task Brasil website
AbleChildAfrica has 10 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. Apply for a place by visiting AbleChildAfrica
Acorns Children’s Hospice has four places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the Acorns Children’s Hospice website
Action Against Hunger has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply by emailing runandchallenge@actionagainsthunger.org.uk or by calling 0208 293 6138.
Action on Hearing Loss has 25 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,750. Apply for a place by visiting the Action on Hearing Loss website. You can also apply by emailing event@hearingloss.org.uk or by calling 0207 296 8092.
Action on Pre-eclampsia has 33 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,250. Apply for a place by visiting the APEC website. You can also apply for a place by emailing marathon@apec.org.uk or by calling 01386 761 848.
ActionAid has 20 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by emailing run@actionaid.org or by calling 01460 238 000.
Ambitious about Autism has eight places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the Ambitious about Autism website
Amnesty International UK has 25 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,800. Apply for a place by visiting the Amnesty International UK website
Arthritis Research UK has 29 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by contacting Sophie Major on s.major@arthritisresearchuk.org
Aspire has 12 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by contacting Andrew Ogierman on andrew.ogierman@aspire.org.uk or by calling 0208 420 8951.
Beat has six places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply for a place by emailing fundraising@b-eat.co.uk
Blind Veterans UK has two places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place on the Blind Veterans UK website
Blond McIndoe Research Foundation has six places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,750. You can apply for a place by emailing Debbie Finch on debbie.finch@blondmcindoe.com
Bone Cancer Research Trust has 40 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the Bone Cancer Research trust website
Brathay Trust has four places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,000. You can apply for a place by contacting Scott Umpleby by calling 01539 439728 or emailing scott.umpleby@brathay.org.uk
Changing Faces has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply by contacting Sophie by emailing SophieE@ChangingFaces.Org.uk
Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland has two places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500.You can apply for a place by emailing happyfeet@chss.org.uk
Chickenshed Theatre has 38 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,800. You can apply for a place by emailing Jacqui McLeod on jacquim@chickenshed.org.uk
CHILDREN 1ST has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by calling the CHILDREN 1ST running team on 0131 319 8068 or by emailing running@children1st.org.uk
Compton Hospice has one place available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,700. You can apply by emailing michelleprice@compton-hospice.org.uk. You can also apply for a place by visiting the Compton Hospice website
Crimestoppers has 20 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply for a place by emailing events@crimestoppers-uk.org
Dementia UK has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,500. You can apply for a place by emailing fundraising@dementiauk.org or by calling Helen Collins on 0207 874 7207.
Dyslexia Action has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by emailing dperrin@dyslexiaaction.org.uk
Family Action has nine places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place on the Family Action website
Family Holiday Association has 25 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,400. You can apply for a place by emailing Michelle@fhaonline.org.uk
Foyle Hospice has 10 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,700. You can apply for a place by emailing noel@foylehospice.com
Find Your Feet has four places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply for a place by visiting The Find Your Feet website. You can also apply by emailing fundraise@fyf.org.uk
Francis House Children’s Hospice has two places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply by contacting Emma Siddle at Francis House on 0161 443 2200 or by emailing emma.siddle@francishouse.org.uk
FSI has six places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,750. You can apply for a place by emailing louise@thefsi.org
Greenpeace Environmental Trust has four places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the Greenpeace Environmental Trust website. You can also apply by emailing fundraising.uk@greenpeace.org and clearly stating how you would raise the money.
Henshaws Society for Blind People has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the Henshaws website. You can also apply by emailing Hannah.Saxon@henshaws.org.uk
HOPEHIV has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place on the HOPEHIV website
International Childcare Trust has six places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by contacting Sophia Bellamy by emailing sbellamy@international-childcare-trust.org
John Muir Trust has six places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,000. You can apply for a place by emailing maggie.briggs@jmt.org and stating why you would like to run on behalf of the Trust and how you would meet their fundraising target.
Langdon has four places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,500. Apply for a place by visiting the Langdon website. You can also apply by emailing Emma.Stone@langdonuk.org
Laureus Sport for Good Foundation has nine places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation website
Leicester Hospitals Charity has six places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by emailing debbie.adlerstein@uhl-tr.nhs.uk
Leonard Cheshire Disability has 64 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,800. You can apply for a place by calling Emma on 020 3242 0264 or texting RUN and your name to 80878. You can also apply for a place by visiting the Leonard Cheshire Disability website
Look has 33 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply for a place by emailing information@look-uk.org or calling 0121 428 5038
Maggie’s has 21 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by contacting Rachel by emailing Rachel.Deuchar@maggiescentres.org or calling 0141 225 0064. You can also apply by visiting the Maggie’s website
Magpie Dance has one place available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply by visiting the Magpie Dance
Martha Trust has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply by visiting the Martha Trust website, emailing fundraising@marthatrust.org.uk or phoning 01304 610448
Mercy Ships UK has four places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,400. Apply for a place by visiting the Mercy Ships UK website
Merlin has 30 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,800. Apply for a place by visiting the Merlin website. You can also apply by emailing challengingyou@merlin.org.uk
Missing People has ten places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the Missing People website
Naomi House has nine places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by emailing nicole.denison@naomihouse.org.uk
Nightingale Hammerson has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,250. You can apply for a place by emailing rubyfernandes@nightingale.org.uk. You can also apply by calling by 020 8673 3495.
ORBIS has six places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the ORBIS website
Oxfam GB has 25 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the Oxfam website. You can also apply by calling 0300 200 1244 and asking for Kulzum.
Paget’s Association has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. Apply for a place by visiting the Paget’s Association website
Parkinson’s UK has 85 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,700. Apply for a place by visiting the Parkinson’s UK website. You will need to download the registration form and email it to events@parkinsons.org.uk
Princess Alice Hospice has 10 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by emailing Emmawaggott@pah.org.uk
REDRESS has six places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,250. You can apply for a place by contacting Liliana Rodrigues by emailing liliana@redress.org
Relate West Surrey has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,000. You can apply by emailing jill@relatewestsurrey.org.uk
RFU Injured Players Foundation has 10 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,999. Apply for a place by visiting the RFUIPF website. You can also apply by emailing ipflondonmarathon@therfu.com
RLSB has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,750. You can apply for a place by visiting the RLSB website
Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has 25 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,650. Apply for a place by visiting the RNIB website
Sarcoma UK has one place available and a minimum fundraising target of £3,000. You can apply for a place by visiting the Sarcoma UK website
Save the Children has up to 25 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by visiting the Save the Children website
Shelter has 25 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,800. You can apply for a place by visiting the Shelter website
Sparks has 97 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply by contacting the challenge team by emailing challenge@sparks.org.uk or by calling 0207 7091 7769. You can also apply by visiting the Sparks website
Spinal Research has 60 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,800. You can apply by emailing run@spinal-research.org
St Elizabeth’s has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,300. You can apply by contacting Sarb Minichiello by emailing sarb.minichiello@stelizabeths.org.uk or calling 01279 844 347. You can also apply for a place by visiting St Elizabeth’s website
St Joseph’s Hospice has 10 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply by emailing r.leckie@stjh.org.uk
St Peter & St James Hospice & Continuing Care has four places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply by contacting Marie Shipley by emailing marie.shipley@stpeter-stjames.org.uk
Target Ovarian Cancer has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £3,000. You can apply by contacting Amy Cartlidge by emailing acartlidge@targetovarian.org.uk or by calling 0207 923 5474.
Thai Children’s Trust has one place available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply by emailing rflanagan@thaichildrenstrust.org.uk
The Air Ambulance Service has eight places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply by emailing running@theairambulanceservice.org.uk
The Children’s Society has 81 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,750. You can apply by contacting Michael Winehouse by emailing michael.winehouse@childrenssociety.org.uk
The Cure Parkinson’s Trust has seven places available and a minimum fundraising target of £3,000. You can apply by contacting Anna by emailing anna@cureparkinsons.org.uk
The Dystonia Society has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £3,000. You can apply by contacting Ann Dedman by emailing ann@dystonia.org.uk or by calling 0845 803 1003.
The Eve Appeal has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £3,000. You can apply for a place by contacting Alice by emailing alice.barley@eveappeal.org.uk or by contacting 0207 605 0106. You can also apply by visiting The Eve Appeal website
The Honeypot Children’s Charity has 10 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting The Honeypot Children’s Charity. You can also apply by emailing sophie@honeypot.org.uk
The Lesbian and Gay Foundation has seven places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,450. Apply for a place by visiting The Lesbian and Gay Foundation. You can also apply by contacting Claire Baldwin on 08453 303030 or by calling Claire.baldwin@lfg.org.uk
The London Centre for Children with Cerebral Palsy has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply for a place by emailing anna@cplondon.org.uk
The Mulberry Bush School has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by emailing janesmiley@me.com
The National Autistic Society has 25 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,800. You can apply for a place by contacting the Supporter Care team by calling 0808 800 1050 or emailing supportercare@nas.org.uk. You can also apply for a place by visiting The National Autistic Society website
Nightingale Hammerson has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,250. You can apply for a place by emailing rubyfernandes@nightingale.org.uk or calling 0208 673 3495.
The Rainbow Centre has two places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by calling 01329 289500 or by emailing jessicag@rainbowcentre.org
The Royal Star & Garter Homes has three places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for by emailing jane.hawes@starandgarter.org for an application form.
Ty Hafan has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by emailing diane.stringer@tyhafan.org
Variety, the Children’s Charity has 15 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. Apply for a place by visiting the Variety website
VSO has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,800. Apply for a place by visiting the VSO website
Wellbeing of Women has five places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply for a place by contacting Hannah by emailing hleaton@wellbeingofwomen.org.uk or by calling 0207 772 6455.
Westbourne Park Family Centre has six places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,500. You can apply for a place by emailing annahadeed@westbourneparkfamilycentre.org.uk
Whizz Kidz has 400 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,600. You can apply for a place by emailing events@whizz-kidz.org.uk
WRVS has four places available and a minimum fundraising target of £2,000. You can apply for a place by emailing amy.john@wrvs.org.uk
YMCA England has 20 places available and a minimum fundraising target of £1,700. You can apply for a place by emailing catherine.davis@england.ymca.org.uk