Club Affiliation Fees 

Club affiliation fees are set according to an allocated “band”. Here you will find information on the fees that have been set for each band for 2012.

Club Affiliation bands are allocated according to the table below.  This uses subscription income from voting members to allocate each club into one of 11 bands.  Each band is charged a fee which is also shown in the table.  The fees and bands are reviewed annually to take inflation into account. 

The income from full members is the fees paid by voting members of the club, so excludes non-voting categories such as youth/junior/cadet membership, overseas members, etc.  


 Band  M/ship income from  M/ship income to  Fee
 A   £0  £2,660  £105
 B  £2,661  £3,780  £125
 C  £3,781  £5,370  £175
 D  £5,371  £7,625  £255
 E  £7,626  £13,980  £365
 F  £13,981  £23,080  £515
 G  £23,081  £36,015   £740
 H  £36,016  £54,370  £1,050
 I  £54,371  £80,445  £1,500
 J  £80,446  £117,460  £2,130
 K  £117,461  +  £3,020

 We have used the most up to date data we have on record for each organisation, in order to determine the subscription income from voting members.  In order to keep our information up to date, we audit 20% of affiliated clubs each year to check they are in the correct band. 

Although the majority of clubs fit into the model, several special categories have been created to accommodate bodies such as Berth Holder Associations and Class Associations.

 Band  Description  Fee
 BH  Berth Holders Association  £105
 CA  Class Association  £105
 R  Restricted Affiliates  Variable, dependent on activity
 RC  Regatta Committees  £50
 S  Special, for clubs that do not fit the normal affiliation model  Variable
 U  Universities  Fee Paid by BUSA
 Y  Association of Yacht Clubs  FOC

If you think your club is in the wrong band, we would be happy to audit your club to address any concerns.  In the first instance, please contact Jenny Curry in our Sports Development team by e-mailing her or phone on 023 8060 4211.

For full details of the benefits of RYA Affiliation please see our webpages on Why Affiliate to us?

Contact Us

Article Published: September 29, 2011 11:10


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