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Whether under power or sail, you simply can't beat the feeling of ultimate freedom you get from nosing your boat out of the marina and heading for new shores.

All with the promise of a snug anchorage and a yarn with your shipmates at the end of it.

'Travelling is not just about the destination, it's also about how you get there...'

The featured articles come from the RYA Cruising News which is emailed monthly to eligible subscribers. For more information related to cruising try some of the following links from Information and Advice...

Round Three wind farms: Your chance to make you view heard
Public consultations, which must include local communities, is the best opportunity to influence a proposal.
Ships that didn't pass in the night!
The RYA met up with the new shipping minister, Stephen Hammond MP, at the PSP Southampton Boat Show.
Cruising Scotland
Our article will help you plan your next Scottish boating adventure will be?
Northern Ireland MCZs
Following input from the RYA, the NI draft Marine Bill must now consider socio-economic impacts.
RYA view on CRT reinforced
Boat owners survey and 1st annual CRT meeting reinforce RYA view on the new Trust, reports Tony Roome Chair of the RYA’s Inland Navigation Panel.
Equinoctial cruising
Sam Llewellyn postpones the winter haul out to enjoy one last cruise.
Dear Editor
Your questions, views and comments...
Carbon Monoxide - the silent killer
Cruising Manager, Stuart Carruthers, reminds usof the need to be aware of the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning onboard.
That sinking feeling!
Advice from the Boat Safety Scheme on how to avoid getting that sinking feeling and to check your weed hatch cover.

Latest News

The RYA Dinghy Show a must for your 2013 calendar
The RYA Dinghy Show a must for your 2013 calendar
New two day ticket also available ...
Scotland’s Boat Show - Kip Marina
Scotland’s Boat Show - Kip Marina
From Friday 12 to Sunday 14 Scotland’s Boat Show 2012 takes place at Kip Marina and the RYA will be there.
Powerboat instructors go training on the River Dart
Powerboat instructors go training on the River Dart
Powerboat instructors' development day is huge success

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Information and Advice

For more information related to cruising try some of the following links from Information and Advice...