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Optional Extras - Travel insurance

Travel Insurance - You must not travel without it!

Adequate and valid travel insurance is compulsory for all Sunsail bookings and it is a condition of accepting your booking that you agree you will have obtained adequate and valid travel insurance for your booking by the date of departure.

Sunsail offer a comprehensive tailored personal travel insurance policy to ensure when you’re on holiday you have complete peace of mind. We have created a policy with Europ Assistance that our teams around the world are familiar with should the unexpected arise.

Benefits under our policy are underwritten by Europ Assistance Holding Irish Branch of 79 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. Europ Assistance is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and are subject to the laws in England and Wales. If you do not take cover under our policy you must provide Sunsail with details of your Insurance cover as soon as possible.

Clients in breach of this condition will be responsible for personally covering any loss suffered. It is a fundamental term of this contract that you are required to have appropriate and adequate travel insurance when booking your sailing holidays.

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You can add travel insurance to your booking when you Book Online or call 0844 463 6817

View the travel insurance premiums and details of your Sunsail insurance policy