To find your ideal cruising destination, with Marina and Harbour details, or to explore some of England's finest coastal areas, use our easy to navigate map.

The Solent

The internationally renowned Solent is probably the most famous leisure boating area in the world.

Between the south coast of the English mainland and the Isle of Wight, this area offers many places to explore and stay. Southampton and Portsmouth host many of the world's long distance sailing races, Cowes on the Isle of Wight welcomes the world's racing yachtsmen, and the Solent is animated with leisure boating throughout the year. Waterside towns await visiting yachts with all possible facilities, and yet the Solent also provides many quieter moorings in England's most beautiful natural surroundings.

News & Views

Weymouth and the Olympics

Sailing and the Olympics: Plan carefully. The buzz of excitement about the Olympics is everywhere. The yachting prowess of our sailing stars is expected to earn us several medals in the Olympic an... More...

Discovering New Places

Do you really know all the cruising destinations you can explore from your present mooring? Most of us go cruising to escape our day to day routine. Once we have reached our destination and relaxe... More...

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