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About Us


Sail South East is a mutual organisation formed between Marina operators and Harbour Authorities who provide moorings for boating visitors and Local Authorities who welcome many cruising visitors by sea, to improve awareness among potential visitors, and help them plan their visits.  We aim to improve the services and facilities available in yacht harbours (including marinas, moorings and anchorages), in the South East of England and neighbouring cruising areas.

Objectives and Activities

The South East of England is a pre-eminent area for yachting tourism, both by UK residents and from overseas.  We want all cruising boating visitors to be aware of, and enjoy, what the coast, Harbours and nearby areas of the south east of England have to offer.

The principal Objective of Sail South East is to evolve mutual initiatives to encourage communications, optimum use of facilities and best practise, so that the yachting tourism facilities of the region become acknowledged by users as being "world class".

Sail South East wishes to learn from and build on successful initiatives undertaken by others. SSE intends to communicate its Objectives, Activities and share its experience with others in the marine, leisure and tourism sectors and to public authorities interested in related matters.

Activities will be undertaken where judged beneficial on a group basis, and incremental to members programmes. The autonomy and commercial confidentiality of individual members will always be respected.

To assist visitors who are planning a trip to or within the South East of England, Sail South East will provide information services, online and in printed formats, as appropriate.

For the full Sail South East "Statement of Purpose" click here:  Download our statement of purpose in a PDF document.