Still time to enter 2012 Zone Championships 

Rutland and Leigh & Lowton SCs hosting events for Midlands youngsters

There is still time to get your entry in for this year’s RYA Volvo Zone Championships, which, for the first time, feature Regatta Fleets for enthusiastic rookie racers!

The 2012 RYA Volvo North Zone Championships are coming to Rutland SC while the RYA Volvo West Zone Championships are being hosted by Leigh and Lowton SC, Greater Manchester on the weekend of 29-30 September.


The new ‘Regatta’ fleets are specially designed for younger, less experienced sailors - maybe just progressing from OnBoard or club’s own junior training set-ups - to see for themselves what it is like to be involved in a ‘big’ event with absolutely none of the pressure.

 Although the Regatta fleet will be run in tandem with the main event, the Regatta fleet will cater exclusively for those youngsters new to racing, with on-the-water coaching from RYA junior coaches and fun races and games. The fleet will welcome sailors from the Topper, Optimist and RS Tera classes. Entry for the regatta fleet is limited.

With Rutland SC so accessible for much of the Midlands, clubs are encouraged to get groups of sailors together to enter as a club and make a weekend of it.

The North Zone Championships at Rutland will host main fleet racing in every RYA Junior class, except Optimists who will be welcomed to Leigh and Lowton SC to guarantee quality strength in depth racing. Rutland will also host the only Laser 4.7 fleet nationally, with some 40-50 expected to do battle over the course of the weekend.

See for full details of how to enter or contact your HPM, Chris Blackburn, at to find out more about why it could be beneficial for your club to get sailors involved in the RYA Volvo Zone Championships.

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Article Published: September 28, 2012 14:23


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