
Why use JustGiving?

Community support

Join JustGiving to access cutting-edge tools, all in one place. From Facebook apps to text donations, we’ve spent 10 years innovating so you don’t have to.

Find out more about charity membership

Why start fundraising online?

Laptop with question mark

Over 8000 charities are already using JustGiving to raise more money. Find out why the charity you work for should start fundraising online.

Why should your charity fundraise online?

Product focus: Event registration and fundraising

Our simple event registration and fundraising tool allows your supporters to sign up for your event and make a fundraising page in one easy step.

Start filling your places today - set up your free events account.

Product focus: supporterCRM


Automatically transfer your JustGiving supporter data into Salesforce with the free supporterCRM app.

Find out how you can save time and reduce admin with supporterCRM.