Could your club be the best in the UK?

Applications for the title of RYA Club of the Year 2013 are now open.

 The awards are aimed at recognising and promoting the outstanding achievements of the amazing array of people who work together to create vibrant clubs across the UK and keep our sports alive.   Launched in 2007, the award which is supported by Gallagher Heath, looks for clubs who are successful at:  

  •  Encouraging people to get on the water 
  •  Providing a range of quality and safe activities for all
  • Attracting new club members and volunteers 
  •   Engaging with the local community, particularly young people
  • Demonstrating good governance and club management

Jackie Bennetts, RYA Volunteer Development Officer said: “Being part of RYA Club of the Year is a real opportunity to get your club on the map.   

Throughout 2012, more than ever before, we have seen clubs across the country doing amazing things to showcase our sport to their local communities and the nation. We hope the awards panel will have plenty of fantastic applications to choose from.”  

Applications will be considered by the RYA Awards Panel from which the top five clubs will receive an Award.  An overall winner will be chosen from these five finalists and will be announced at the RYA Dinghy Show 2013 in March.  

For more information about the award and to download the application form, go to

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Article Published: October 02, 2012 13:00


Tagged with: Dinghy Cruising, Windsurfing

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