
Official Blog of SecureTrading – Online Payment Processor Specialists

Sales: +44 (0)333 240 6000

Infographic – Why choose SecureTrading?

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Guest Post – Why we choose SecureTrading

As a new start-up we had many decisions to make, including which company to choose as our payment gateway provider. After a recommendation from a friend we chose SecureTrading, and it’s a decision we are extremely pleased with. Continue Reading..

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How to keep the odds of fraud low in the online gaming world

There has been talk in the press recently regarding how online gaming operators store customer data but just as important is protecting operators themselves.

We offer not just counter-fraud services that help to reduce fraud but through our sister company Cognosec, we can conduct the necessary security audits to help you secure your data.

We work with a range of acquirers around the world including the major US and European territories.  Indeed our US system provides solutions that allow operators to respond to a regulator’s agenda which manifest in the following key objectives:

  • Collect taxes
  • Implement mechanisms to combat underage and problem gambling
  • Identify and prevent fraud against the operators
  • Provide best practice for operators to achieve Anti-Money Laundering compliance

The online gaming market is evolving rapidly and our solutions, developed in association with Baker Tilly, the renowned accountancy firm, provide a multi-layered system to address on-going challenges for operators and players alike.

For more information on our advanced counter fraud solution, SecureTrading Protect Plus and Cognosec, click here

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Revamped SecureTrading Website

Have you visited the SecureTrading website recently? If so, you will have hopefully noticed some big changes…

Throughout the first half of the year we have been working tirelessly to improve our site from top to bottom, we wanted to make the customer journey better for you whilst reducing our content to give you just the right amount of information that you need to make an informed decision.

So what’s new? Continue Reading..

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Proud to be independent

July is Independent Retailer Month, a global ‘Shop Local’ campaign that highlights the vital role of smaller, local, independent retailers play in the communities they serve, the local economy they contribute to, and in the retail sector as a whole.  Many independent retailers are investing in an eCommerce arm to support their business which SecureTrading can assist with. Continue Reading..

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Guest Post – Data defense: How to keep your online information secure

It’s difficult to grasp just how much information is floating around on the web.

Let’s consider the typical person on the web, call him “Bob.” Bob’s address, phone number, and family history is definitely on the web whether or not he actually goes online. Continue Reading..

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SecureTrading and Gift Voucher Solutions provide a lucrative revenue opportunity for the hospitality industry

To assist the growth of the hospitality industry, Gift Voucher Solutions and SecureTrading, the UK’s leading independent payment processor, have launched a bespoke service that enables restaurants and hospitality businesses to sell gift vouchers online. Continue Reading..

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Ensure your online business does all it can to stop teens purchasing age-restricted goods

There have been a number of stories in the news recently regarding online businesses which allow under age children to buy items such as cigarettes and alcohol.  Continue Reading..

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Make the most of selling opportunities this summer

The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the Euro 2012 football championship and London Olympics have provided an unprecedented opportunity for online retailers to exploit additional sales potential this summer. Here are some top tips on ensuring your website is in tip top order to maximise this once in a generation sales window. Continue Reading..

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Guest Post – eCommerce SEO – An Simple 5 Point Guide to the Basics

SEO is the process of getting keywords to appear high on the first page of search engines like Google with the aim of driving traffic, sales or leads.

This guide won’t help generate thousands of new visits or sales overnight but by the end of it you should be able to carry out the basics to improve SEO on your own website or be able to approach an SEO agency without the worry of getting burned. Continue Reading..