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Welcome to Yahoo! Safely

Learn how to make smart and safer choices online and get advice on using Yahoo! products safely.

  1. Check out where your kids “check-in”

    Set boundaries. Teach them to only share their location with real friends.

    Learn more 
  2. Think Before You Send

    It’s easy to stay safe on your mobile device.

    Make These Tips a Habit 
  3. Cyberbullying Hurts Everyone

    Recognise it, prevent it and take these steps to protect yourself and your friends.

    Here’s What to Know 
  4. Create a Safe Online ID

    You can be creative with your online ID, but making your ID safe is crucial

    Ace Your Online ID 
  5. Social Networks: Online Hangouts

    What you need to know to guide your children online.

    Tips by Age Group 

Online Privacy

Help your children learn what to share.

Why privacy matters »

Web Filtering Tools

Filters, blocks, and monitoring software. What are they? How do they work?

How they help »