Atta is a UK registered company limited by Guarantee, run by the Chief Executive from offices in Kensington, London. The Board of directors are drawn from the various disciplines of membership in UK and Africa accommodation, travel operators, representation and Media. The Annual General meeting is held in Durban every May.

Atta provides many services for its members, which cover:

  • 1. Networking- Network gatherings include lunches, drinks parties, and an annual dinner. These events allow members to establish relationships with their counterparts across the industry, connecting accommodation suppliers, safari operators, wholesalers, transport providers, journalists, publications, and other tourism related products.
  • 2. Information and advice- Atta is constantly fostering an exchange of information between members. Atta have recently appointed dedicated Medical and Legal advisors whose specialist knowledge in their fields is available to members when required.
  • 3. The Membership Directory and Database-We now have an online directory which can be viewed by all. Members can be searched by country, category and activity.
  • 4. The Atta Media Club– Atta acts as the interface between its membership and the UK Media, providing a two-way exchange of information to many of the influential travel journalists predominantly based in the UK.
  • 5. Exposure of your company and services- Through its sophisticated website, which includes hyperlinks to your own website, photos, social-media links and more, Atta provides valuable exposure of membership product.
  • 6. Travel Shows- Atta plays a leading role many major travel trade shows including WTM in London and Indaba in South Africa. The Atta facilities are always located adjacent to the main exhibition floors. They provide an opportunity for members to meet in quieter surroundings away from the hustle and bustle of the main exhibition floor. Café Atta provides hot beverages free of charge and a quiet ‘rendezvous’ for members and their guests to meet.  Atta is increasingly focusing on Exhibition Business Centres providing simple workstations in an office environment adjacent to the main exhibition.
  • 7. Atta newsletter- News will now be distributed in a timely way, in one summary every single day (fewer emails for you to handle). Members will receive a daily summary of all Atta news, including Foreign Office Advisory updates, member-specific news, job advertisements and new member introductions. But urgent breaking news will be sent separately and marked for your urgent attention. "Urgent Breaking News" will then alert you immediately. The prime role of our association is to channel information and breaking news to its wide membership through the daily newsletter service. It enables members throughout Africa, Europe and the US to keep abreast of the rapidly changing affairs of tourism.
  • 8. An attractive membership badge- Members may display the Atta logo on stationary and promotional material, which acts as a source of recognition throughout the industry. An attractive membership badge may also be added to member's websites, which is encoded with your own membership number to prove valid and paid membership.

Atta Fees

1st October 2012 to 30th September 2013
Fees are charged pro-rata, calculated on the number of remaining months in the financial year.

Overseas / UK Members

Joining Fee


Annual Membership



£495.00 (+ VAT for members based in the UK)

(Must be located outside UK and all communications to be sent overseas. Companies represented in UK and using a UK contact address are subject to UK VAT)

European Based Members (Non-UK)

Joining Fee


Annual Membership




Retail and Professional Members

Joining Fee


Annual Membership



£345.00 (+ VAT for members based in the UK)


Tourism Boards

Joining Fee


Annual Membership



£150.00 (+ VAT for members based in the UK)