Sailors Database

The Yachts & Yachting Online sailors database is currently used for finding crew to sail on your boat.

Crew Seach

    Search the Yachts & Yachting Online sailors database for crew to sail on your boat - click here

About the Sailors Database

    To get the most out of Yachts and Yachting Online you need to create a profile for yourself. Do this by registering in the Member Login box at the top right of this page. There are now three main types of profile information you can fill in; News preferences, Sailor Profile & Forum Profile.

    News preferences give you the opportunity of customising the sailing news you see on the homepage. You can choose two favourite classes, choose the layout of the news and change the size of the front page photo which gives a far better look to the site if you have a low or high resolution monitor.

    Sailor Profile is the area to enter what type of sailing you do and whether you are looking to sail on a boat. It is these details you fill in here that will show on the crew search. You can enter what size of boat you want to sail, what position on the boat you want to sail in and how much experience you have.

    Forum Profile controls your details for all your online discussion postings. Give yourself an 'avatar' - a personalised logo that goes with each of your forum posts. Some choose boats for their profile avatar while others find a favourite character to animate their posts, look out for Haggis, Redback, Tigger, Mr Burns & the elusive 'Susan Lut'…