Powerboat Trainers 

RYA Powerboat Trainers are selected and appointed from experienced RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructors who have been trained and assessed as being suitable to train and assess others to all levels within the Powerboat Scheme.

Powerboat Trainer training is organised by the RYA - contact us for details of how to apply and whether you possess the experience and personal attributes necessary for this role.

Alternatively, within the UK you can contact your Regional Development Officer who can provide details, and will need to recommend you for the course if they think you are suitable.

If you are considering applying to become a Powerboat Trainer you should satisfy yourself that you understand all aspects of the various syllabi of the RYA Powerboat Scheme, and have adequate experience to teach it confidently. Observing an instructor course is a good way to ascertain strengths and development areas.

The Trainer role is an appointment rather than an instructor qualification. RYA Trainers represent the RYA in this role and as such need to be able to demonstrate a long term commitment to the various RYA schemes as well as support for the RYA and its activities. Candidates must also possess strong skills in diplomacy and tact and be motivated towards the role for the benefit of the Powerboat scheme rather than for personal or commercial gain.

Download the Powerboat Trainers Selection Days Application Form.

Powerboat Advanced Examiners

Advanced Powerboat Examiners are selected by the RYA from our most experienced Powerboat Trainers. If you are interested, please discuss this with your Examiner at your next Powerboat Trainer update.

Contact Us

Article Published: January 04, 2012 10:07


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