Marine licence: Fee structure 

RYA concerned that current MMO licence fees are not proportionate or appropriate.

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is reviewing its current fee structure for all marine licences, including for the newly licensable maintenance/navigational dredging.

The RYA is concerned that the current MMO licence fees in place for activities that require a marine licence are not proportionate or appropriate to be applied to small-scale, low impact activities such as replacing pontoons or maintenance/navigational dredging and we welcome this fee review.

Unfortunately, however, this review is planned for spring 2012 and the MMO does not plan to make any adjustments that may be required to the fee structure until around October 2012.

This issue is peculiar to England, since the relevant authorities in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have developed their own fee structures.

The RYA continues to lobby the MMO and the licensing bodies for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales in an effort to ensure that the system is fair and proportionate, in terms of both the regulatory and financial burdens on clubs and training centres.

The RYA has advised clubs and training centres to undertake any required maintenance/navigational dredging prior to 1 April 2012.   

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Article Published: November 07, 2011 14:22


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