Formation of new waterways charity 

RYA broadly supportive of new waterways charity.

The Government has decided to move those inland navigations in England and Wales managed by British Waterways into a new waterways charity (NWC).

Inland navigations are a devolved matter in Scotland and the Scottish Government has decided that its waterways will remain directly under its control. 

The RYA is broadly supportive of the move provided that the governance structure of the new organisation is robust and that there is comprehensive stakeholder engagement.

In addition it is vital that the new organisation has the financial stability and security that it will require in order to be effective.

RYA position on the new waterways charity.

The RYA responded to DEFRA's consultation in June 2011 in which we outlined the following key points:

  • The new charity must be financially and politically independent
  • The constitution must facilitate the transfer of other inland waterways to the new charity in the future
  • The mission statement should emphasise the maintenance and availability of the connected waterways network and associated infrastructure for navigation.
  • It is vitally important for the long-term success of the new charity that it is seen by users of the waterways as being used-led and user-governed organisation with stakeholder engagement at all levels.

Read the RYA's full response to the consultation.

The RYA will be working closely with Defra (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) officials and BW (British Waterways) in an effort to ensure that the long-term sustainable future of British Waterways navigations is safeguarded.  

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Article Published: June 29, 2012 11:06


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