2012: the pussy riot is louder than ever. Alaina Claire Feldman interviews a No Wave feminist band to find out about its early rumblings.

Bath Salts Wedding

Mix by Kilbourne

Global Denim Community II:
Cult from the Same Cloth

Fabric fundamentalism with a fanatical following

TransMission Accomplished

Bulgaria's CEKCI-est musical export conquers a bawdy LIC banquet hall.

Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs

Cuckolding in porn and the colonial biopolitics behind it.

Contemporary Eco Styles

Sustainable Living Improvement Ideas and Ecoware for Summer 2012


New album by Gatekeeper

Best & Worst of Men’s Spring 2013

Men's S/S 2013 is all about DRAGging and carrying. Designers: get on that tip and get off Tumblr. WE CAN SEE YOU.

Frontex Mission

Mix by M.E.S.H.

Migrating Forms: The Gitana Xula

Ryan Weafer on the hyperbolic, hyperlinked pop-folk styles of Spain's Romani people.

Body Horror

15,000 words on Axe's high-octane fuel aesthetic.

Realidad Bodega

Mix by False Witness

The Sears Class Portraits by Michael Smith

Not your average Sears portrait.

W.A.G.E. Survey

Statistics about the economic experiences of visual and performing artists exhibiting in non-profit organizations in New York City between 2005 and 2010.


Chris Kasper reflects on his time at Krabbesholm, a non-hierarchical school in Denmark where there are no grades, and no degrees.

Art School Class Portraits

Forget about Bravo's Work of Art. The answer to Who will be the Next Great Artist is somewhere in here.

Credited Response

JEQU offers us an LSAT question and no answer.

Why MFA Critiques Are Futile Exercises

Analyzing the time/cost ratio of MFA programs and the awkward silences during critiques.

Throwing the Gauntlet @ Art Programs

Why we need art programs and how we can reform them.

Competing Images

How to document art in an attention economy.