Cupcakes and Cashmere

Cupcakes and Cards

April 30th, 2008

Hence my blog’s title, Cupcakes and Cashmere, cupcakes play a pretty integral part in my life. I would certainly consider myself a connoisseur, seeing as how I’m willing to travel to separate bakeries around the city, each for specific flavors.  La Provence for their coconut, Toast for their red velvet, Joan’s on Third for their chocolate peanut-butter; the list goes on. Since my obsession has taken a toll on my waist-line, I’ve found other ways to enjoy the miniature treats like this Pink Cupcake card available on Etsy. With little pink beads as sprinkles and a colorful envelope, it might not taste as good as a cupcake, but it’s certainly just as appealing.

Ruffle your Feathers

April 30th, 2008

Typically, the combination of flowers and ruffles end up looking like an explosion of frilly proportions that is simply disastrous. Coincidentally, both looks are everywhere, so I’ve wondered whether pairing the two is now acceptable. This Oh Oklahoma Floral Print Dress is ridiculously feminine, yet the cooler colors keep it from going over-the-top. My favorite detail is the single ruffle that runs from the neckline to the hem, adding a unique touch to the dress, as well as a slimming affect. Though I think the lacy curtain backdrop is overkill for the photo, I think paired with the right edgy heels and a black leather jacket, this dress would be phenomenal on the city streets.


Forever a Fan

April 30th, 2008

I’m pretty sure my boyfriend is embarrassed by the fact that I still shop at Forever 21. Though I, too, used to be ashamed to walk around the mall with the neon yellow bag in tow, I now frequent the store with pride. It really is an acquired skill to be able to sort through the racks of mesh and sequins to discover the true gems that exist. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with their accessories line, which is beyond extensive, ranging from satin headbands to intricate necklaces. Below are just a few of my most recent online purchases, whose arrival I eagerly await.

Domestic Darling

April 29th, 2008

In an effort to start eating better and saving money, I’ve been packing my lunches for work. Sadly, after I proudly announced to my boss that I cooked this morning, he let me know that a peanut butter sandwich isn’t exactly a culinary masterpiece. Though I recognize that my cooking is a bit sub-par, I do enjoy spending time in the kitchen and think that if I had this Bib Carmen apron, I would be more inclined to hone my skills. It’s not too cutesy like so many of the aprons available that are awash in floral patterns and lace trim that simply mock my lack of domesticity. Instead, the black with white trim is feminine and will conceal all of the kitchen mistakes I’ll surely be spilling down my front.