
Official Blog of SecureTrading – Online Payment Processor Specialists

Sales: +44 (0)333 240 6000

Archive for the ‘SecureTrading Merchants’ Category

Guest Post – Why we choose SecureTrading

As a new start-up we had many decisions to make, including which company to choose as our payment gateway provider. After a recommendation from a friend we chose SecureTrading, and it’s a decision we are extremely pleased with.

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Merchant Monday 5th December 2011

So it’s meant to be the “busiest online shopping day” of the year again this week, if you are doing your Christmas shopping today or are looking for some ideas, check out the following new merchants; GT Omega Racing Ltd, Achiltibuie Bagpipe Specialists, and Wine Therapy LLP.

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Core Router Maintenance Update

We are happy to report that Saturday’s maintenance was completed and the core router was replaced without incident. Should any customers experience any problems, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Verified by Visa

We are currently experiencing intermittent issues with Verified by Visa.

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Spam Order Confirmation Emails

It has come to our attention that a large number of emails have been sent out confirming a purchase that appear to have come from a SecureTrading email address.

We can categorically state that this is not the case and we have no involvement whatsoever in the sending of these emails and no access to any of the data contained within. We advise you to delete the emails and do not click on any of the links.

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Merchant Monday 14th November 2011

This week we feature four new merchants of ours; mr&mronline, Viewboutique, Wildlife-shots and Furniture Studio.

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Merchant Monday 31st October 2011

It’s been a wicked week of sign ups and we have a frightening collection of merchants to entice you with this week not to mention as many Halloween related puns that I can throw into the cauldron.

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Merchant Monday 24th October 2011

This week’s Merchant Monday features five merchants; Pictureourland, Edinburgh New Town Cookery School, RJFixings, and Aumbry Restaurant.

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Merchant Monday 17th October

After missing a week of Merchant Monday due to the ecommerce expo, I should imagine you are all extremely excited to read this week’s edition.  Featuring four new merchants; Cheaney Shoes Ltd, Jojo Beauty Studios, Boudoir London and Orange Systems Ltd.

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Merchant Monday 3rd October 2011

This week we feature 5 new merchants of ours; The Mussel & Steak Bar, Tanks for Everything Ltd, The Nestbox Company Ltd, Max Media IT and Stocks Hotel Ltd.

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