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  1. This fall, we'll join hundreds of remarkable women in technology in Baltimore, Maryland for our fifth year at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. We're looking forward to tackling this year's theme, "Are We There Yet?," w...
    • Zash Zac, Nama Sudah Kadaluwarsa and 452 others like this.
  2. Facebook engineers from our New York office hosted a Women in Engineering Board Game Night. Our guests enjoyed games like Settlers of Catan, Apples to Apples, and good old Jenga. Overall, it was a great evening spent with the females in technology community in New York City. — at Facebook NY.
    • Imeelda Iwel Anderson, Diana Barbee and 1,558 others like this.
  3. Today we released Facebook Camera for iPhone 1.1. With this update, we've added our most commonly-requested feature, the ability to add photos to albums. You can also see all the likes and comments for your photos in one place and get yo...
    • Sindhuja Raman, Alex Righetto and 202 others like this.
      • Abhishek Hundia
        Subject : New Technology for converting normal images into super high definition. A Research organization has developed a new technique to crea...
        te super-resolution images from a single low-resolution image. They accomplished this by observing that pictures of the natural world tend to include approximate repetitions of a portion of the image, both at nearly the same size scale and at different size scales. Consider for a moment a photograph of a crocodile. The scales on its skin are all very similar in shape, but vary in size depending on where on the skin they appear, and on how distant that location is from the camera. Similarly, the teeth are similar to each other, meaning there are many image patches containing edges of the teeth having varying orientations and sizes.
        This type of approximate self-similarity in natural images is the basis for understanding many multi-length scale physical processes. Applied to image sharpening, the sets of patches which are similar provide numerous example of how edges (for example) appear. The various edges will not be lined up on the pixel array in the same manner - rather there will be subpixel variations in their registration with the pixels. As a result, summing up similar areas within a single low-resolution digital image regenerates some of the high-resolution information of the original optical image in a manner quite similar to that of multi-image superposition.
        This alone is not enough for high performance, as multi-image superposition is limited to doubling the resolution of the digital image. It turns out that image patches of similar objects at different size scales within the digital image allow a form of example-based super-resolution processing. The idea is that a large image patch that looks like a big version of a smaller image patch can be used to work out a mapping from the low-resolution (fewer pixels) patch to the higher-resolution (more pixels) patch. Once worked out for all examples, these maps can be used to generate a high-resolution image in the same manner as used in example-based super resolution processing.
        In practice they use an optimized mix of both techniques, using only information from within a single digital image. The two approaches to generating the high-resolution information restrict each other from making silly choices. Overall, the process attempts to recover at each pixel its best possible resolution increase based on comparison with similar subimages of similar and disparate sizes.

        Research Papers are availaible on request.

        Please let me know if this is of your interest.

        Abhishek Hundia - CEO
        No. 48, Sanidhya Society, Nr. Kangaroo School, Karamsad Road,
        Karamsad - 388325, Anand, Gujarat, India.
        Ph : +91 2692 235151, Mobile : +91 8469610101
        Email : abhishek@technologyconcepts.in
        Web : www.technologyconcepts.in
        See More
  4. Facebook is a product-driven company.  People here are constantly experimenting with ideas and building out prototypes.  Good ideas win here, and we’ve always sought to create an office that fosters our engineers’ creativity—which is why we...
  5. Today we released a new version of Facebook for iOS that's faster, more reliable, and easier to use than ever before. The development of this new app signals a shift in how Facebook is building mobile products, with a focus on digging d...
  6. Starting today, we're rolling out improved features and a new look for messages. Behind the scenes, we've also been improving the reliability of messages across the site. To address issues with disconnection, incorrect message counts, and m...
  7. This fall, we'll join hundreds of remarkable women in technology in Baltimore, Maryland for our fifth year at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. We're looking forward to tackling this year's theme, "Are We There Yet?," w...
    • Mercy Orangi, Jasmin K Chhatwal and 190 others like this.
  8. Register for the World Hack and your chance to win a private tour of the Facebook HQ! www.fbworldhack.com
    Photo: Register for the World Hack and your chance to win a private tour of the Facebook HQ! www.fbworldhack.com
  9. When someone updates their status on Facebook, they often share their current activity, like what they're eating, feeling, reading, or watching on television. Because the status is simply text, the data is unstructured and difficult to unde...
  10. The August 31 deadline is approaching for applications to the Access Facebook Award, and there are already a number of great ideas and projects in development. The award, one of the Access Tech Innovation Prizes, will grant US$20,000 to the...
    • Salvador Jiménez, Mustapha Sani and 241 others like this.
      • Rual Brown Someone needs to come out with an App to Revert AWAY FROM TIMELINE and back to original. New Facebook is bad like New Coke was bad. Stay with the Original Face!
      • Jonh Josimar Silverio sou rockeiro e com muito orgulho Tudo o que eu procuro é o entendimento , eu sou um acorde desafinado clamando por rock in roll ; eu sou triste eu sou feliz e não sou nada !
        curta nossa pagina http://www.facebook.com/RockComFace/info
        Tudo o que eu procuro é o entendimento , eu sou um acorde desafinado clamando por rock in roll ; eu sou triste eu sou feliz e não sou nada ! \m/
        Page: 1,843 like this
  11. I work on products at Facebook and get a lot of questions from friends and family about how we choose what to build. After 6+ years at Facebook focusing on continuous iteration and improvement, I'd like to share my thoughts on how we think ...
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