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(For safety reasons we won't pinpoint a seller's house though.)

You can also see relevant ebay items alongside our adverts,
which saves you time hunting through both websites.

Automatic searches can email you when new items of interest are added.

We regularly ask sellers to confirm if items are still for sale,
to make sure the listings on Y&Y; are always accurate.

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More information

Your advert will be seen by readers of and Yachts and Yachting Magazine, reaching in excess of 150,000 people. An average issue of the magazine is read by over 73,000 people (figure based on publisher's survey) and the website attracts some 95,000 different visitors per month (measured by IP address during August 2010).

That is how many people your advert could reach, whether it's a free listing or you spend a few pounds! Please look at the options and costs that are available.
See also example ads from the magazine and details about how long adverts last for.

Feeds for webmasters

Classified Ads RSS feed Classifieds are also available via an RSS feed, and in other formats.

This feature is useful for those who maintain a club or class association website, as the items listed can be restricted to just one class, or one geographical area. Please read the help page.