Sailing with the Wounded is a boating treasure hunt in the Solent and beach BBQ on the Isle of Wight with wounded soldiers and raising money for Toe in the Water

This event is designed to be a fun challenge and a great opportunity for owners of yachts, motorboats, Ribs and other vessels to participate in a great treasure hunt on the water and delicious beach BBQ on land.

Please save the date and apply for your boat entry form. Participating in this fun family friendly day out is a great way to show your appreciation for the work and sacrifices our soldiers, sailors and airmen make on our behalf and will raise money to help services charity Toe in the Water deliver competitive sailing opportunities for injured service personnel.

Event Timetable:
1100hrs Start time sailing vessels
1200hrs Start time motor boats
1500hrs Treasure hunt finish time
1500 - 1600hrs Transit and anchor at Priory Bay
1600hrs BBQ and beach party commences
1600 - 1700hrs Boat to beach transfers
1800hrs Event prize-giving Ceremony
1900 - 2000hrs Beach to boat transfers
2100hrs Event finish