Notices to Mariners w/c 09/01/2012 

The following Notices to Mariners have been notified to the RYA.

Trinity House

No. 50/11 D12 - Please see notice in download area regarding Nab Tower Lighthouse, South Coast of England.

No. 51/11 E10 - Mariners are advised that on our about 23 January 2012 Lizard Lighthouse, South Coast of England, light to be exhibited night time only.  NtM No. 40/11 E9 (dated 21 October 2011) previously refers.

No. 52/11 E11 - Mariners are advised of wreck 'Heather Anne' latitude 50°11'.546N, longitude 004°55'.377W Gerrans Bay, off Nare Head, South West Coast of England.  The wreck which lies sunk has been marked by an emergency wreck marking lighted buoy.

No. 1/12 F1 - Mariners are advised that on or about 1 February 2012, Hartland Point Lighthouse (latitude 51°01.298'N, longitude 004°31.559'W) to be permanently discontinued and lighted beacon established in the position latitude 51°01.3'N, longitude 004°31.6'W with characteristics Fl (6) 15 seconds with a nominal range of 8 nautical miles and carried at a height of 24 metres. NtM No. 42/11 F6 (dated 1 November 2011) previously refers.

No. 2/12 C1 - Please see notice in download area regarding Sandettie Light Vessel, Dover Strait Traffic Separation Scheme, South East Coast of England.

Northern Lighthouse Board

No. 1 of 2012 - Please see notice in download area regarding Floating Aids to Navigation/Lighthouse Landings.

No. 2 of 2012 - Please see notice in download area regarding use of AIS as an Aid to Navigation.

No. 3 of 2012 - Please see notice in download area regarding GLAs Public DGPS Transmissions.

Lancaster Port Commission

Quarterly Summary of Outstanding Notices to Mariners River Lune - As at 1 January 2012:

No. 030 - 2010 No. 4B Buoy off station (seasonal only).
No. 013 - 2011 No. W5 buoy off station.
No. 015 - 2011 No. 3 buoy off station.
No. 022 - 2011 No. 9 buoy off station. 

Strangford Narrows

Mariners are advised that there are planned operations on the SeaGen tidal turbine system, situated in Strangford Lough, which may impact on navigation.  Please see the pdf in the download area for further details.


The Notices to Mariners above are not a comprehensive list, but instead a list of those which the RYA has been notified of. It is your responsibility to check Harbour Authority and developers’ websites for notices relating to the area in which you intend to travel.

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Article Published: January 13, 2012 16:35


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