Notices to Mariners w/c 12/03/2012 

The following Notices to Mariners have been notified to the RYA.

Trinity House

No. 15/12 D4 - mariners are advised that on or about 27th March 2012, Casquets Lighthouse, Channel Islands, range of main navigation light to be reduced to 18 nauticial miles.  Light to be exhibited night time only.

No. 16/12 D5 - Channel Lightvessel, South Coast of England - mariners are advised that due to collision damage the Lightvessel has been temporarily withdrawn and a replacement Lightvessel established.  Please see the document in the download area.

Northern Lighthouse Board

No. 8 of 2012 - Foula (A3860), Shetland Isles, Scotland - mariners are advised that on or about 26th March 2012, a coloured sector will be installed with the characteristics:

Character:  Group flashing (3) white/red every 15 secs

Sector:  White sector      221° - 255° (034°)
               Red sector        255° - 277° (022°)
               White sector     277° - 123° (206°)
               Obscured         123° - 221° (098°)
Elevation:  36 metres

Nominal Range:  18 miles white
                                 14 miles red

Commissioners of Irish Lights

No. 1 (2012) - Please see notice in download area regarding Floating Aids to Navigation.

No. 2 (2012) - Please see notice in download area regarding GLAs Public DGPS Transmissions.

No. 3 (2012) - Please see notice in download area regarding use of AIS as an Aid to Navigation.

No. 4 (2012) - Mariners are advised that on or about 2nd April 2012, or as soon after as circumstances permit, the range of Angus Rock Lighthouse (A5963.3), Approaches to Strangford Lough, North East Coast of Ireland, will be reduced:

Existing Light:
Position (WGS 84):   54°19.843'N  005°31.520'W
Character:                   FL R 5s  (1+4=5s)
Range:                         6nm

New Light:
Position (WGS 84):   54°19.843'N  005°31.520'W
Character:                   FL R 5s  (1+4=5s)
Range:                         5nm

No. 5 (2012) - Mariners are advised that on or about 9th April 2012, the existing East Codling Buoy will be repositioned approx. 0.6 cables to the East to align with a transit line from the Codling Buoy to the Kish Tower.

Existing Position (WGS 84):
Latitude 53°08.517'N  Longitude 05°47.126'W

New Position (WGS 84):
Latitude 53°08.560'N  Longitude 05°46.130'W

No. 6 (2012) - Mariners are advised that on or about 9th May 2012, or as soon after as circumstances permit, the range of Baily Lighthouse (A5898), Approaches to Dublin Bay, East Coast of Ireland, will be reduced:

Existing Light:
Position (WGS 84):   53°21.691'N  06°03.158'W
Character:                   FL W 15s  (fl 0.8)
Range:                         26nm

New Light:
Position (WGS 84):   53°21.691'N  06°03.158'W
Character:                   FL W 15s  (fl 1.4)
Range:                        18nm

Lancaster Port Commission

No. 005 - 2012 - River Lune No. 9 buoy is back on station

No. 006 - 2012 - River Lune No. 4 buoy has been repositioned to
53°58'964 N  002°56'770 W.

River Lune South Bank buoy has been recovered and brought to Glasson for refurbishment.  This thereby cancels NtM 004-2012.


The Notices to Mariners above are not a comprehensive list, but instead a list of those which the RYA has been notified of. It is your responsibility to check Harbour Authority and developers’ websites for notices relating to the area in which you intend to travel.

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Article Published: March 15, 2012 12:41


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