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of individuals, teams and organisations
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Project Management

Addressing two major dimensions - process and people - we use a powerful combination of theory and practical exercises (based on your projects) to encourage innovation and problem solving and help you understand and implement the processes and leadership techniques required for successful project delivery.

Our services include:

Project Management

  • Training courses – from ‘Introduction’ to ‘Advanced’
  • Consultancy – developing a corporate project management system; rescuing failing projects; project evaluation and auditing
  • Specific tools and techniques, such as gathering requirements, estimating and managing risks
  • Project Management, full and part-time help with your projects

Project Leadership

  • One and two day courses on different aspects of leading projects, tailored to your organisation's needs
  • Modular courses for leaders that can include:
    • self awareness (using various 360° feedback)
    • team development
    • conflict management
    • influencing
    • negotiation
    • stakeholder relationship management
    • leadership skills
    • creative problem solving


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