Dinghy Class Data 

The RYA Technical Department has put together a list of general class data for you to download. This list includes the 2006 Portsmouth Yardstick Numbers where appropriate.

Definitions of Portsmouth Numbers

Portsmouth Numbers (PN): are measures of performance. They represent times over a common but unspecified distance, and are expressed as whole numbers.
Primary Yardsticks (PY): are Portsmouth Numbers published by the RYA and well attested by many clubs over several years.
Secondary Yardsticks (SY): are Portsmouth Numbers published by the RYA but not as consistently attested as Primary Yardsticks.
Recorded Numbers (RN): are Portsmouth Numbers published by the RYA on the basis of limited information.
Trial Numbers (TN): are Portsmouth Numbers allocated by clubs until a Recorded Number is assessed.

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Article Published: February 15, 2011 11:01


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