Sail for Gold -Have a go - Weymouth

Sail for Gold 'have a go' sessions 

Clubs and Centres are holding 'have a go' sessions all around the UK so don't miss your chance to try sailing and windsurfing.

Find out what's going on near you and how you can get out on the water using our Sail for Gold map.


Information for Clubs and Centres

With the Games taking place in the UK, the profile of sport and sailing will never be so high – so let’s grab this opportunity and use it to our best advantage.

'Have a go' at an Olympic and Paralympic Sport!

Hold Sail for Gold ‘have a go' sessions, showcasing your sailing club or centre to your local community.

As we get closer the Games people will become more sport oriented so why not let them get a taste of what sailing is all about and of the facilities and opportunities which your club or training centre provides.

When to hold your 'have a go' sessions

Holding your 'have a go' sessions during and after the Games period when sailing will be in the spotlight would be an ideal time.  

How do hold Sail for Gold 'have a go' sessions

If your club or centre have never held open days or 'have a go' sessions before then please see our guide to holding Sail for Gold 'have a go' days.

If you do regularly hold open days or 'have a go' days then all you need to do is theme your 2012 days 'Sail for Gold' using the Sail for Gold, Games inspired kits and branding that will be sent to you early next year, once you have signed up to the programme.

Downloadable resources:

Case Study: Priory Sailing Club

Priory Sailing Club is a medium sized sailing club and RYA training centre in Bedford.  Membership has been declining in recent years so to try and boost membership they held an open weekend on the 11/12 June 2011 theming it Sail for Gold. They had lots of people from the local community visit their club and 'have a go' at sailing.  It was an incredibly successful weekend with many guests signing up to do RYA courses and some have now joined the club.

 In 2012, Priory SC see the Olympics and Paralympic Games as a fantastic opportunity to attract more members into their club. They are planning to hold several Sail for Gold ‘have a go’ days, one on 9 June 2012 and the other directly after the 2012 Games when interest in Olympic & Paralympic sports will be at their highest.  Sue Baker, Sail for Gold Activator comments "June is a great time for 'have a go' days as it is early on in the season so hopefully guests will come back throughout the summer and ultimately join our club".

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Article Published: August 15, 2012 12:06


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