Department for Culture Media and Sport


A lot of our work has an international dimension.

The excellence of our culture, sport and creative industries means that UK skills are in demand around the world.


We work closely with UK Representation to the EU (UKRep) and other Government departments to represent the UK's interests in the EU.  Currently we are working to ensure that the Lisbon Treaty reflects UK needs. We also work on EU funding programmes such as Europe for Citizens and the EU's Culture Programme.

Beyond Europe

The UK is a member of the Council of Europe, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the United Nations, all of which run programmes that affect us and our sectors.

We work closely with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as well as a number of non-governmental international organisations. In the lead up to 2012 these will increasingly include the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee, as well as other international sporting federations such as FIFA

We, and our NDPBs, have many natural partners who operate abroad, such as the British Council and UK Trade and Investment.

We also oversee policies on the export of important cultural objects and the prohibition of the illicit trade in cultural property.

Cultural Diplomacy

Cultural Diplomacy aims to:

  • build new and sustainable relationships, and reinforce existing ones, between cultural organisations in the UK and around the world
  • use these relationships to develop and maintain a highly skilled and knowledgeable UK cultural sector which is acknowledged as a world leader
  • optimise the cultural sector's international influence

One example of the practical way in which this is being delivered is the World Collections Programme. Led by the British Museum, six leading national collections are developing strategic relationships with their counterparts across the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

We also fund the UK/China Connections Through Culture programme, which helps cultural organisations in the UK and China. This will underpin the UK's participation in the 2010 Shanghai Expo.

For more information on our EU and international work contact us through our enquiry form.