
UK Anti-Doping statement on US Postal Services cycling team notice of anti-doping allegations

USADA has notified six individuals with multiple and serious doping violations

USADA has notified six individuals with multiple and serious doping violations
(Credit: UK Anti-Doping)

UK Anti-Doping Chief Executive Andy Parkinson said: “This announcement clearly demonstrates that anti-doping organisations worldwide are not afraid to pursue doping offences, no matter who is involved or what the connected charges may be.

“It demonstrates that people can and will be pursued in respect of events that have taken place several years in the past, and that anti-doping organisations do not need a positive sample to charge an individual or group, of doping violations. It also illustrates the breadth of the World Anti-Doping Code, testing is just one of the tools available to us, as we have shown in this country with our relationships with law enforcement agencies.

“The US Anti-Doping Agency has notified these six individuals with multiple and serious doping violations, with the assistance of individuals who have recognised the commitment needed to protect the integrity of sport. This reinforces our belief that everyone has a role to play in the pursuit of clean sport.

“USADA is a highly experienced and professional anti-doping organisation who will act in a fair and fitting manner to ensure that this matter is resolved justly and openly.”


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