Alexandra Rickham

Alexandra Rickham

Date of birth:
11 September 1981
Star sign:
Place of birth:
Kingston, Jamaica
Current Hometown:
Epsom, Surrey
Race class:


Alexandra and Niki have dominated the SKUD class since 2008, winning every Worlds since then.

Alexandra was first introduced to sailing while rehabbing from the diving accident which left her paralysed and in a wheelchair in 1995. It wasn’t until studying for her Masters in Environmental Technology in London 10 years later Jamaican-born Alex started taking sailing seriously and in late 2007 she was introduced to Birrell.

Less than 12 months after pairing up the pair had competed at their first Paralympics and although finishing fifth at that event, the pair have been the dominant force in the class ever since.

Alex Rickham - Helm - SKUD 18 Paralympic Class


Alex's Q&A Session

First boat sailed and where? Sunfish Runaway Bay, Jamaica
Who got you into sailing? My Aunt
Favourite boat? Quite liked those Farr 45s we got to play on last year 
Biggest influence in your career to date? Michael Cogswell who got me started in the SKUD
My worst moment (sailing)? Day 2 in Beijing
My best moment (sailing)? Winning the 2008 Paralympic Test Event
Best sailing venue in the UK? I haven't sailed in that many UK venues but I still love leaving busy London and 30 minutes later sailing at Queen Mary Reservoir
Best sailing venue in the World? I love the Caribbean so Ill stick with Jamaica
Most annoying rule in the sailing rule book?  There are rules!
If you weren't a professional sailor what else would you be? An Environmental Scientist
How do you progress from a club sailor to an Olympic class sailor? Skip all the steps and get fast tracked! 
What are your greatest passions outside of sailing? The environment, travel, music, film, politics (I know a bit sad)
Has injury ever prevented you from sailing? No, and I hope it stays that way
Most expensive sailing accident? We do like to snap masts a lot!
Which football club you support? I would have to stick with my Dad and go Liverpool 
Do you actively go and see them? No but I would like to
Do you follow any other sports? Anything really. Have been obsessed with the Olympics since I was 7
Any heroes? My Mum I think shes pretty amazing
What other sports do you play? I like to ski, swim and cycle
What would you love to do but never have the time or money for it? Do Japan properly
Worst habit? Over thinking
What word or phrase most depicts your personality? Ambitious
If you were a pantomime character who would it be? The horse
Whats your greatest fear or phobia? Not a big fan of Fragipani Caterpillars
If you had a theme song what would it be? Baby Got Back by Sir Mixalot (It's a family ok). Team song: Im on a Boat by Lonely Island 
Favourite reality show? The Amazing Race 
And would you go on it? Yes
Name 3 things that are always in your shopping trolley? Sweetcorn, Chickpeas, Olives
What was the last book you read? The Monk who sold his Ferrari
What makes you angry? People not listening 
Dream holiday? Island hopping the Winward Islands on a yacht 
What better about football than sailing?  Less likely to be cold and wet I guess
Where do you keep your Olympic medals? In my imaginarium as I dont have one yet; If I had one maybe the loo like actors do with their Oscars

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