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After submitting a copyright infringement notification, copyright owners may realize that they misidentified content or they may otherwise change their mind. YouTube is therefore always glad to honor retractions of copyright claims from the party who originally submitted them.

If you're a content owner, please make sure you send us the following information if you wish to retract a claim:

  1. A statement of retraction (such as "I hereby retract my claim of copyright infringement")
  2. The complete and specific URL of the video in question (this looks like
  3. An electronic signature (typing your full legal name will do)

If you're a user affected by a copyright claim, you may reach out to the copyright owner directly in search of a retraction. Here's how you may do so:

  • If the claimant has a YouTube account, the easiest way to contact him or her is through YouTube's private messaging feature.
  • Please have the claimant contact us directly at with all the items listed above.

Please note that we will not process retractions that are not sent from the same alias that submitted the original claim.

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