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Copyright Infringement Notification

To report abuse, harassment, inappropriate content, or privacy complaints, please visit the Help Center.

For information on copyright, visit the Copyright Tips page.

To file a copyright infringement notification with us, you will need to send a written communication to us with all of the following information in it, using this format:

  1. Include a statement telling us that you have found a video on YouTube which you believe infringes your copyright (for example, "I hereby confirm that I believe the video identified below infringes my copyright").
  2. Tell us which country your copyright applies to.
  3. Tell us the title of the video concerned and the full URL for its playback page.
  4. Explain to us how the video infringes your copyright (e.g. the sound is copied, the entire video is a copy of an original work made by you, etc.)
  5. Identify the type (e.g. a film, a piece of music, a book, etc.). and details of (e.g. title, publisher, dates, etc.) the copyright work which you own the rights in, and which you believe has been infringed. If this information is available on the internet, it is helpful to send us a link.
  6. Let us have contact information so that we can get in touch with you (email address is preferred).
  7. Let us have the contact information which we can pass on to the submitter of the video concerned, so that they can get in touch with you to resolve your complaint directly (email address is preferred).
  8. Include the following statement: "I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted work described above is not authorised by the copyright owner (or by a third party who is legally entitled to do so on behalf of the copyright owner) and is not otherwise permitted by law."
  9. I swear that the information contained in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or have an exclusive right in law to bring infringement proceedings with respect to its use.
  10. Sign the notice. If you are providing notice by e-mail, a scanned physical signature or a valid electronic signature will be accepted.

To expedite our ability to process your request, such written notice should be sent to our designated agent via our online copyright complaint form below. You will need a YouTube account in order to utilize this tool.

If there are many videos to be removed, or you expect to have an ongoing need to remove potentially infringing content from YouTube, we suggest that you sign up for our Content Verification Program, which electronically notifies us, removing any room for error. YouTube also offers industry-leading Content Identification and Management tools.

If you prefer to contact us via postal mail, email, or fax, you may do so here.

Make sure you know whether the content that you have seen on YouTube infringes your copyright. If you are not sure what your rights are, or whether your copyright has been infringed, you should check with a legal adviser first. Be aware that there may be adverse legal consequences in your country if you make a false or bad faith allegation of copyright infringement by using this process. Don't make false claims!

Please also note that the information provided in this legal notice may be forwarded to the person who provided the allegedly infringing content.

Claimant information will be published on the YouTube site in place of disabled content.


After submitting a copyright infringement notification, copyright owners may realize they misidentified content or they may otherwise change their mind. YouTube is therefore always glad to honor retractions of copyright claims from the party who originally submitted them. For more information on how to do so, go to the Retractions page.

Counter Notification

If you elect to send us a counter notice, please go to the Copyright Counter-notice page to access the instructions.

Any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification may be subject to legal liability. Please also be advised that we enforce a policy that provides for the termination in appropriate circumstances of subscribers who are repeat infringers.

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