About doping in sport

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Doping threatens the integrity of sport

Doping in sport remains a serious and difficult issue, putting an athlete’s health at risk whilst also threatening the integrity of clean athletes and the reputation of sport.

Substances and methods are banned for a reason. Doping, the use of artificial enhancements to gain an advantage over others in competition, is cheating and is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport. Further, doping robs true athletes who play by the rules of their right to competition that is safe and fair.

Doping affects not just top athletes, but also future generations who may be influenced by what top athletes do. Only by taking a concerted and comprehensive approach to the fight against doping in sport is it possible to protect the integrity of sport, the health of athletes, and young aspiring sports people worldwide.

It is integral to the nature of sport itself that spectators and participants of all sports are confident that the competition is fair and clean.

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