Coastguard modernisation 

RYA working to ensure that current service levels are maintained and improved.

The RYA's principle concern is to ensure that all Coastguard services that are currently delivered continue at the same level and indeed are improved, including: search and rescue provision of maritime safety information and VHF voice communication.  

In its response to the initial consultation the RYA made a number of critical points concerning the changing operational environment and additional pressures that must be fully considered if the quality of the services is to be maintained and improved including; 

  • lack of clear risk assessment
  • local knowledge
  • voice communications
  • sub-station operability
  • and weather forecasts amongst others

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Article Published: December 19, 2011 15:07


Tagged with: Motor Boating, Powerboat Racing, Sports Boats & Ribs, Yacht Cruising

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