Cruising News 

Latest news from Nick Jordan, RYA South East Cruising Representative

Rampion – Hastings Wind Farm  

E.ON Climate and Renewables UK Southern Array Limited (E.ON) have applied for permission to site 3 current profilers on the sea bed and two Metocean data collection buoys (wave height and direction) on the surface. This is part of the third round of potential development sites for offshore wind farms. The zone is located 13km from Brighton and has been renamed Rampion – the name of the county flower of Sussex.

Four locations have been applied for but it is proposed to use only three with a current profiler at each of the three sites and at up to two of the sites it is proposed to use the Metocean data collection buoys. The third site will also be marked with a navigation buoy.   

CS5 Buoy    

The CS 5 buoy marking part of the SW lane of the Dover Straits TSS located in position 51° 27'.350N, 001° 52'.760E will be permanently removed on or around the 8th November 2010.  


Between October 2010 and March 2011 revetment work will take place north of the Newhaven swing bridge along the North Quay for approximately 800m


The North Kent Buoy has been permanently moved to the following approximate position:- 51º  26.1804’ N  0º  43.5541’ E.

DSUWG – 22/9/2010 There were 56 rule 10 breaches, 6 failures to make a mandatory report and 16 hazardous incidents (overtaking) and 1 collision –Both commercial vessels and it happened 7nm due east of Dungeness.

In the light of this a discussion took place about recommended passing distances for commercial vessels and 5 cables abeam and astern and 1 mile ahead was agreed. This to be taken to UKSON & AFSONG.   From 1st October vessels with a draught of more than 16 metres will be asked to give an ETA at the Deep Water Route. Also commercial vessels crossing from NE lane over SW lane to the UK coast should contact either Dover or Cap Gris Nez – this however requires discussion at AFSONG   In the light of the £20k fine for the St David of London for going up the SW lane the wrong way (for 26 miles) it was felt that a lot of pleasure boat owners fail to understand their responsibilities with respect to a ‘duty of care’. Failures could result in a criminal conviction.  

Thanet Wind Farm was officially opened on 23rd September and the exclusion zone has been removed, but the MCA say that there is a 50 m safety zone around the pylons – the RYA are challenging this as there is no legislation.  

The French make their incident related broadcasts in French only and it was suggested that they be repeated in English afterwards.  They will endeavour to implement the request.  

Regulation changes have been made in Turkey, Spain, Russia. In Norway the RNYC is in discussion with its government about the rule that after a vessel has been in Norway for 12 months, it is deemed to have been imported – VAT to be paid - this affects people who winter their boats there.  

New Marinas proposed at Hale, St Austell.   Mussel Farm extension in St Austell Bay was granted. The RYA can only object on navigation grounds. Evidently it is sited where the locals race their boats. This raised the question about how good our antennae are with regard to future developments in our areas and do we have good contacts with the Crown Estates, the MMO and the MCA? At present the RYA is formulating a policy on Aquaculture and who are our environmental co-ordinators?  

Navtex in Scotland much improved.  

E-Borders – IT project cancelled.  

Marine Conservation Zones (MCZ) The list of sites is due to be finalised next year and the RYA encourages clubs to get involved with the ‘Balanced Seas Project’. The most likely restrictions that may come in, are on anchoring and speed and they would tend to be inshore.

There is a National Stakeholder Forum in October 2010 at which the RYA will be present. They are querying the fishing data that may be 20 years out of date.  

The Fuel Quality Directive becomes national law 1st Jan 2011 - this relates to the supply of low sulphur diesel both to road diesel and red gas oil. There may be problems for suppliers of road diesel to the marine industry as it may contain up to 7% bio diesel. Bio diesel still presents a problem as it is water absorbent. See  

VHF Direction Finding Aerials will be switched off by the MCA on 31st December 2010.  

Greater Gabbard Wind Farm. RYA objecting to 50m exclusion zone.  

TEPs Cost of disposal is £24 per flare  

MAIB report of vessels not responding to a Mayday call. A merchant vessel hit something thought everything was OK. The French fishing boat it actually hit had two fatalities. However a number of vessels in the area failed to respond to the Mayday.  

2012 Olympics All berths for the event have been taken and there will be a barrier at Dagenham preventing vessels approaching the venue.  

DMSC – 12/10/2010 Thanet Wind Farm An extension of 40 more turbines has been asked for – might not be approved. The MCA say that there is a 50m safety zone around the pylons.  

Manchex 2011 – Put on hold  

Port Marine Safety Code A vessel may be detained if the harbour master suspects the skipper to be drunk or under the influence of drugs - it requires a police officer to administer a breath test.  

Hire Boat Code - this is now a recommendation.  

PCWs – The Watercraft Order is not yet in force – in consultation.  

‘MCA Guidance for Pleasure Vessels’ The Surveyor informed us of a new MCA free publication, a brief guide to regulation and safe practice. He highlighted the fact that pleasure vessels of 13.7m or more come under statutory regulations, however vessels less than 13.7 have no such regulations.  However all vessels must comply with Col. Regs., Safety of Navigation (SOLAS Chapter V), Prevention of Pollution (MARPOL) and harbour bye-laws. Failing to adhere to the regulations leaves one open to prosecution, imprisonment and/ or a substantial fine.

Kent Fire Brigade ran an event looking at fire safety on boats and were giving out smoke detectors and CO detectors as part of it.  

(Acronyms: DSUWG - Dover Strait Users Working Group, AFSONG - Anglo French Safety of Navigation Group, UKSON – UK Safety of Navigation, DMSC – District Maritime Safety Committee, OCCP – RYA Offshore Coastal Cruising Panel)

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Article Published: November 08, 2011 16:00


Tagged with: Motor Boating, Yacht Cruising

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