Smoking Ban 

In this section of the site we look at the ban on smoking in public places and the effects it may have on your club.

The ban on smoking in all enclosed public places and workplaces, in England, came into force at 6am on 1st July 2007.

The ban in Wales started on 2nd April 2007. The Welsh Assembly assured that final guidelines would be in place by the end of January 2007.

The ban in Northern Ireland started on 30th April 2007.

The Scottish total ban on smoking came into effect on 26th March 2006.

For further information contact the Legal Team Tel:  0844 5569519  Email:

Update May 2007

The Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations 2007 and the Smoke-free (Vehicle Operators and Penalty Notices) Regulations 2007 have now been published and are set to come into force in England on 1st July 2007.

Update February 2007

The Government has now published The Smoke-free (Exemptions and Vehicles) Regulations 2007 and The Smoke-free (Penalties and Discounted Amounts) Regulations 2007, both of which are set to come into force in England on 1st July 2007.

Update January 2007

The Government is currently finalising the smoke-free regulations. It has has published The Smoke-freee (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006. The Smoke-free (Signs) Regulations 2007 are in draft format at present, it is expected that these will be passed unamended. The remaining Regulations are expected within the next couple of months.

You can register on the Smokefree England website (see link) for updates on the Regulations.

We understand that the Department of Health has confirmed that it will make signs available to businesses free of charge. This is something that we requested in our response to the consultation and are therefore pleased that the Government has taken this issue on board.

Update 1/12/06 - England to go smoke-free from 6am on 1st July 2007

All enclosed public places and workplaces will become smokefree enviroments from 6am, 1st July 2007, Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt announced today.

The Smokefree England campaign, launched today, will advise the country's 3.7 million businesses, including nearly 200,000 pubs, bars, restaurants and other leisure outlets on preparing for the introduction of the legislation.

Smokefree legislation regulations for England are currently being finalised and will be laid before Parliament shortly.

Follow the link to access the Smokefree England website which provides information and assistance about the new legislation.

Update 12/9/06 - Smoke-free Premises and Vehicles:

We have now finalised our response to the Consultation on smoke-free regulations which can be download from the table below. The closing date for response to the Consultation is 9th October 2006 - we urge clubs to voice their opinion by responding.

Update 20/7/06 - Smoke-free Premises and Vehicles:

The Consultation on the proposed regulations to be made under the powers in the Health Bill has been published. You can download it from the Department for Health website. Responses are due by 9th October 2006. This is the chance to have your say in matters affecting your club.

The ban looks set to come in by summer 2007. The Government is aiming to set a date for implementation by autumn this year. It is currently discussing this with stakeholders and feels that a summer date in the warmer weather, may be more conducive to compliance with the legislation.

Update 6/7/06 - Smoking Ban Guidance:

MPs have signed an Early Day Motion (EDM) calling for the regulations to be published before the summer recess on 25th July 2006. [EDMs are used by MPs to flag up issues of concern]. You can do your bit by urging your MP to sign up to the EDM. Find and email your MP on the Parliament website Or alternatively, write to them at House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.

June 2006:

An amendment to the Health Bill was tabled by Labour peer Lord Pendry which sought to exempt private members clubs from the ban. Whilst it drew considerable support it was voted out by 157 to 97.

The legal challenge being brought against the Scottish smoke ban has now been dropped. The ban in Scotland is now in place and it was felt that the challenge had little chance of success.

February 2006:

An amendment to the Government's plans for a partial ban on smoking was tabled on 14th February 2006 and passed by an overwhelming majority of 200. The effect of the amendment is that there will now be a total ban on smoking in all enclosed public places. This means that private members clubs are no longer exempt under the proposals.

The Government has published it's Health Bill which aims to deliver the pledge in the Choosing Health White Paper to ban smoking in all enclosed public places.

You can download our response to the Government's Consultation on its proposed ban.

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Article Published: May 26, 2011 14:16


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