Paul Mullan - Senior Sports Science Officer for British Olympic Sailing Tea

Paul Mullan<

Job Title
Senior Sports Science Officer
Date of birth:
28 June 1979
Star sign:
Place of birth:
Current Hometown:

Paul oversees the sports science and medicine support team delivering across the sailing athlete pathway, to ensure that our team is strong, fit and healthy enough to take on the world! He works individually with each performance athlete to plan their periodised training programmes.

Paul's Q&A Session

Can you explain your role within the team? As Head of Sports Science and Medicine, I oversee the support team delivering across the sailing athlete pathway. I also work individually with our performance athletes to plan their periodised training programmes.
What’s your sailing background? I originally joined the team in 2005 as a non-sailor. Since then I have picked up windsurfing, but still get a lot wetter than I would like!
How did you get involved with the team? I began working as a physiologist with the Junior and Youth squads about 6 years ago. I left to work with UK Sport and returned to work with the team 4 weeks ago.
Can you explain what a normal day as Head of Sports Science & Sports Medicine involves? There aren’t very many ‘normal’ days in this role. Day to day I manage the sports science and medicine staff to ensure a world class support service is available to athletes of all ages on the RYA programmes.
What’s your greatest fear or phobia? Underachieving
What would you love to do but never have the time or money for it? Climb Mount Everest
What’s your worst habit? Waking up far too early
Name 3 things that are always in your shopping trolley? Dark chocolate hob nobs, espresso coffee beans, fruit & barley orange.
What was the last book you read? Bad Science
What’s your favourite boat to sail? N/a

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