RSX (Women)

Dominic Todey - Womens RS:X coach for windsurfer Bryony Shaw

Dominic Tidey

Date of birth:
19 April 1976
Star sign:
Place of birth:
Current Hometown:
Dom the Pom
Race class:

RS:X Women

Dom Tidey previously campaigned for the 2000 and 2004 Olympic Games and was a training partner to Athens bronze medalist Nick Dempsey.

After turning his hand to coaching Dom started working with RS:X Women’s windsurfer, Bryony Shaw, and at Beijing 2008 Bryony became the first British woman to win an Olympic windsurfing medal – a bronze – a moment he describes as the best moment in his career.

Dom's Q&A Session

Can you explain your role within the team?  Joker. Windsurf Coach
How did you get involved with the team? Was racing for a few years, then became involved in coaching
How did you start coaching  I was asked to help out one day and the rest is history
Can you explain what a normal day coaching involves?  Reflecting, planning, motivating, inspiring, joking, briefing & debriefing
What are the differences, if any, involved in your approach to coaching the Development squad to the Performance squad?  Olympic demands more fine detail
You must work with very driven people 24/7 – what’s your approach Be more driven than they are.
If someone has underperformed what’s the best way to get him or her back on track?  Start with refueling Them get them to offload the race onto you, pick out some good things from the race, get them to pick some thinks that they can take from the previous race and do it again in the next race. All to be done in 5 mins
If you weren’t a coach what else would you be?  Rock star
Best moment in your career so far?  Coaching the first windsurfing Woman’s medal at the 2008 Games
What’s your greatest fear or phobia?  Heights
What would you love to do but never have the time or money for it?  Spend more time getting in the Green Room (surfing)
What’s your worst habit?  Nail biting
Name 3 things that are always in your shopping trolley?  Red wine, coffee, chocolate
What was the last book you read?  The Very Hungry Caterpillar. (for my baby boy)
What’s your favourite boat to sail?  Twin fin 80 liter wave board (windsurfing)

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