Windsurfing Trainers 

Teaching within our windsurfing schemes is progressive - you can develop your skills and qualifications by taking the next step on the instructor ladder, working towards Senior Instructor level, further your coaching skills with the Advanced Instructor or, ultimately, becoming a Trainer.

RYA Windsurfing Trainers are appointed on an annual basis and attend an update every five years.  

  • To become a Trainer you will need the following prerequisites:
  • An experienced Intermediate Planing Instructor (ticket held for 3 years plus)
  • Valid first aid certificate
  • Powerboat level 2
  • Nomination from your Regional Development officer    

RYA Trainers need a competent level of personal sailing ability, good teaching and coaching skills, motivational and leadership skills, a positive and enthusiastic approach and good communication skills.  

Overseas instructors are occasionally trained where required and should approach RYA HQ for further information.  

The Trainers Course

Training consists of several parts:

  • Completion of an application (available via your regional liaison, development officer or RYA Training.)
  • Pre selection - usually over a weekend
  • Apprenticeship/action plan
  • 5 day training course  

In addition to the above, candidates should be able to:

  • Demonstrate and teach any part of the National Windsurfing Scheme up to and including Intermediate Planing and clinics.  
  • Windsurf competently on a range of equipment in a variety of conditions
  • Plan and manage a course involving sessions ashore and afloat  
  • Give formal presentations including the use of visual aids, showing an ability to chair and discuss      

Contact Us

Article Published: December 01, 2009 12:41


Tagged with: Windsurfing

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