UK e-Borders 

The RYA has serious concerns over proposed e-Borders programme.

The Home Office and the UK Borders Agency remain committed to implementing the e-Borders programme.

The UK eBorders programme is a Home Office initiative intended to strengthen the border of the UK. The Home Office believes that the UK's security will be improved by screening everyone who crosses, enters or leaves the UK.

The RYA does not believe that implementing the e-Borders programme in the recreational boating sector would be the most appropriate, proportionate, effective or efficient mechanism for securing the entire sea border.  

We have serious concerns that the e-Borders reporting methodology is simply not designed to accommodate the unscheduled activities of the recreational boating sector.

In the absence of a carrier ticketing system, a passport ‘control line’ and attendant law enforcement assets, a system that relies on self-reporting by the law abiding majority is unlikely to present any meaningful challenge to those intent on avoiding detection at the border and the rationale for applying e-Borders controls across the geographic sea border is thus flawed.

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Article Published: December 19, 2011 15:00


Tagged with: Motor Boating, Powerboat Racing, Sports Boats & Ribs, Yacht Cruising, Yacht Racing

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