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Welcome to the February issue of Cruising News
In this issue:
Red diesel; a game of two halves Red diesel: a game of two halves
Gus Lewis, Head of Government Affairs takes you through the complexities of this issue.
Offshore wind energy development Offshore wind energy development
Ahead of the results of our Windfarm Survey, to be published next month Stuart Carruthers reflects on the rise of windfarms and how Round 3 will see the biggest windfarms yet to be built around the coast .
Passage to Portland 2 - 5 June Passage to Portland 2 - 5 June
Make Passage to Portland part of your summer cruise this year .
Do you cruise in the Pentland Firth or to Orkney?
Do you cruise in the Pentland Firth or to Orkney?
Marine Scotland is conducting a study into commercial shipping and recreational boating activity in this area.
Government's £1 billion financial commitment to Canal & River Trust Government's £1 billion financial commitment to Canal & River Trust
£1 billion of Government help will be given to the new waterways charity The Canal & River Trust.
Cruiser racing - part 3 Cruiser racing - part 3
RYA Instructor Simon Jinks explains SI's, NoRs and highlights the importance of checking your insurance policy.
If you have any comments, email the Editor at -


RYA Boat Safety Handbook
RYA Boat Safety Handbook

Safety afloat is always prominent in the thoughts of any conscientious boat owner. This new edition of the RYA Boat Safety Handbook provides essential information to ensure that your boat has the necessary safety equipment, so that anyone heading out on the water can have absolute peace of mind.
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