Safety boat

Club Welfare Officers 

The RYA recommends that clubs should have a designated person with responsibility for implementing the club's safeguarding and child protection policy.

They do not need to be an expert, but they do need to be approachable and have a child-focused approach, and it is helpful if they have relevant knowledge and experience. Their main roles are to ensure that the club has up to date procedures, that relevant staff and/or volunteers are aware of and follow good practice, and to be the first point of contact for any concerns, seeking advice and support from the RYA as necessary.

The RYA maintains a list of Club Child Protection/Welfare contacts, to ensure that the right people have access to up to date information, advice and training.  If your club has young members or organises training or racing for children and young people under 18, please click the link on the right to download a short questionnaire and provide your Welfare Officer's contact details.  We would also appreciate your feedback on our child protection guidance - please return the Feedback Form.

To assist Club Child Protection/Welfare Officers with their responsibilities, the RYA has a network of Tutors who can deliver a nationally recognised child protection awareness workshop for volunteers (sports coach UK Safeguarding and Protecting Children).  We are also developing specific training for club designated officers.  For more information contact Jackie Reid on 023 8060 4104.

Contact Us

Article Published: February 10, 2012 10:49


Tagged with: Dinghy Racing, Powerboat Racing, Sports Boats & Ribs, Windsurfing

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