Instructor and children

Criminal Records Disclosures 

The RYA can help clubs and centres to access Criminal Records checks on volunteers or staff who will work with young people or vulnerable adults.  Click the link on the right to download the relevant information.

Changes to the system of criminal records checks in England and Wales are contained in the Protection of Freedoms Act which received Royal Assent on 1 May 2012.  However the changes will not be implemented until 2013. 

The Northern Ireland Department of Justice is consulting on recommendations contained in a review of the Criminal Records regime conducted in 2011. 

In the meantime Disclosure checks are still available as before from the CRB and Access NI.  CRB forms are available from the RYA, Access NI forms can be downloaded from their website.  For more information please see the relevant guidance under Downloads on the right.

In Scotland the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme has replaced Disclosures for people working with children or protected adults.  Please see the guidance document on the right for more information.  Currently only staff or volunteers starting in new roles can be checked.  We are waiting to hear when retrospective checks will be available for those who were previously checked 3 or more years ago.

The RYA will continue to monitor developments and provide up to date information as it becomes available.

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Article Published: May 28, 2012 10:28


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