Young windsurfers on beach

RYA Safeguarding and Child Protection Guidelines 

The RYA's updated Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Guidelines can be downloaded from this page and adapted to suit the requirements of your training centre, club or class association.

Each section is dated so it's easy to see what has changed.

The main amendments are:

  • the addition of a Club/Class Code of Conduct for participants, parents and volunteers (sample document 5)
  • a single parental consent form in place of the three forms in the previous version (sample document 6)
  • some points to bear in mind in relation to club websites and using social media.

The Guidelines document is intended to assist you with drawing up your own organisation's Policy and Procedures.  There is a sample club policy (sample document 8) which covers the essential points.

Clubs with RYA Recognised Training Centres are advised to ensure that a safeguarding policy is adopted by the club as a whole, not just the Training Centre, and that all members are aware of it. 

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Article Published: July 24, 2012 9:52


Tagged with: Dinghy Racing, Powerboat Racing, Sports Boats & Ribs, Windsurfing

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