Policy guidance 

For a club or centre to gain Volvo RYA Champion Club status they must have policies in place to ensure that the activities run are carried out in a safe and controlled environment.


Policies that Volvo RYA Champion
Clubs may find useful

Whilst this may seem bureaucratic we are aware that clubs vary tremendously in size and the activities that they run, therefore many of the policies below will not be required in every case. The policies are provided for guidance and clubs should contact their local RYA High Performance Manager for expert help and support in introducing and implementing any policies.

Please click here for all the latest Youth & Junior Policies from the RYA, including Child Protection Policies.

Below are some example documents from a small/ medium size sailing club which you might find useful. Each club will need to create policies and documents that are relevent to the scale and type of activites run, these can be presented in a variety of different formats. 

5 steps to risk assessment
Example Training Risk Assessment
Example Standard Operating Procedures
Example Sail Training Emergency Plans



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Article Published: May 23, 2012 13:55


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