mission statement

Mission Statement & Objectives 

Mission Statement

The RYA’s mission is to promote enjoyable, safe and successful UK sailing and motorboating.

Primary Objectives


To increase participation and enjoyment in boating by:

  • Inspiring more adults and children to go sailing more often
  • Increasing the satisfaction of participants and volunteers to sustain and grow sailing participation
  • to all individuals and organisations associated with boating;
  • in conjunction with the appropriate agencies;
  • so that the number of preventable incidents and deaths is reduced.  


To represent recreational boating freedoms and responsibilities

  • to maintain the RYA’s position as an undisputed upholder of recreational boaters' freedoms and responsibilities;
  • to protect boaters’ rights to enjoy their activity by working with relevant local, regional, national, European and international organisations;
  • to promote responsible and sustainable boating, in safety and in harmony with the environment and other water users, both in UK waters and overseas.


To raise standards:

  • of sailing, windsurfing, motorboating and powerboating to order to enhance competition and for the overall enjoyment of boating throughout the UK;
  • to achieve international competitive success at significant international championships and in world rankings.


  • To maintain the RYA as the primary source of boating information and training programmes
  • for all recreational and commercial boaters in the UK and for UK boaters who cruise abroad
  • to expand that role overseas.


To expand the membership base:

  • to sustain and expand the membership base of the RYA through the provision of exclusive and valued products and services;
  • to enhance the RYA’s image;
  • to provide regular communication with members. 

Associated Objectives

Widening Access

  • To ensure that the RYA's services and programmes are inclusive and accessible to all, including under-represented groups.


To develop a well-informed, skilled and motivated network of volunteers

  • to promote recreational boating and deliver the RYA’s programmes at club, regional and national level
  • to encourage more RYA members to become involved with the running of the Association and its programmes at all levels.  


To raise the profile of the RYA and maintain the RYA’s position as the recognised ‘voice of boating’ in the UK 

  • to understand and represent the views of the boating public;
  • to seek wider recognition by key audiences of the RYA’s views, commitment and achievements;
  • to liaise with the boating industry to promote common objectives. 


To be financially strong 

  • to achieve an annual operating surplus equivalent to 7.5% of income;
  • to increase turnover from subscription, trading and sponsorship income by 8% year-on-year;
  • to minimise the working capital requirements for trading operations;
  • to grow the accumulated fund to the equivalent of 9 months administrative expenditure.

Contact Us

Article Published: August 21, 2009 9:22


Tagged with: Canal Cruising, Dinghy Cruising, Dinghy Racing, Motor Boating, Personal Watercraft, Powerboat Racing, River Cruising, Sports Boats & Ribs, Windsurfing, Yacht Cruising, Yacht Racing

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