The Flickr Collection on Getty Images

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Help us grow the collection by submitting your incredible photos to the Getty Images Call for Artists group. The Getty Images creative team reviews photos in the group, looking out for images they feel are marketable based on their expertise, and invites new photographers to join.

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Getty Images has curated a fabulous collection of photos by Flickr members, and they're now available to license exclusively on

Interested in licensing photos not in the collection? Look for a Getty Images "Request to License" link on our members public photo pages or search through the full list of Flickr members enrolled in the program. Learn more about buying photos not in the Flickr Collection on Getty Images.

Recent additions to the Collection

margaritas DSC_3513   "a bath with a smile" Thinking like crazy! Smiling with eyes up!

Getty Images ♥’s Galleries

©  photo: Hues of blues, Miyako Islands, Japan by ippei + janine